Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gobos and Texture

I like this Gobos texture because it makes the stage look ethereal and as if the man is not standing on the stage. I also think that the lost of focus to the edge of the gobo is benefical as it almost looks as though there is movement to the gobo


  1. I agree with you analysis, but this gobo also gave me impression that it could be like this man is stranded in the middle of something like a storm, or the ocean. This really focuses the audiences attention on the man in the middle.

  2. I agree that the loss of the edge of the gobo is a benefit in this setting, because not seeing the edge makes it seem much wider, as if the setting is unending. It draws focus to the man in the center but it also makes him seem small, since something much bigger than him is happening with the lighting. It feels almost as if time has stopped.
