Wednesday, March 25, 2020


This scene is from the end of the musical 1776. I think that the use of this particular gobo is very powerful for this musical, as it eloquently displays the signatures on the Declaration of Independence. I love this lighting because the pattern does not detract from the actors, but rather links them to their real counterparts. The set looks like the room in which the Declaration of Independence was signed, and I think that the yellow light, which creates the simple and realistic pattern, adds to the lifelike nature of the scene. I think that the direct angle of the light and the simple color create a serious atmosphere. I also like how the characters seem drawn to the light, as they gaze upon their own signatures. I really like that this pattern represents a real object, as I think it allows the play to end on a serious, patriotic, and eloquent note. 


1 comment:

  1. I like how the gobos make the scene feel a lot more natural. Obviously the buildings were a lot simpler back in the 1700s, and i think that the lighting and design of the gobo on the wall really portrays this accurately.
