Monday, March 23, 2020

Selective Focus: Concert

This image is from Childish Gambino's performance at Coachella, 2019. The show's creative designer was Cory Fitzgerald (I'm not sure what his role in lighting design was). The laser lights that shoot in various directions behind Mr. Gambino help draw the audience's focus to the singer in two ways: they create an eye-catching silhouette which disrupts the lasers, and their diagonal angles contrast the singer's verticality. The source of concentrated white light behind the singer helps create the dramatic silhouette. I enjoy that it is the absence of this intense light on the figure that focuses our attention on it.


  1. I like the use of background lighting in order to illuminate the subject. Although the laser lights point in multiple directions, it is not overwhelming and still brings attention back to the singer. This set up is very aesthetically pleasing.

  2. I think this photo is a fantastic example of selective focus in an nontraditional way. Not have any specific lights on the body where the audience should focus is tricky, but by successfully filling the background behind him with other lights, the eye is drawn towards a beautiful silhouette and the viewer understands the intensity of the image.

  3. I completely agree with your point about the absence of light highlighting Childish Gambino, rather than the presence of it. The lasers create a chaotic background against which one can't help but focus on Childish Gambino's silhouette, because it's the only thing not obscured by several layers of light.
