Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gobos and Texture

I like the use of this gobo as it incorporates a texture and solid in the form of letters. Overall I think this is a successful way to use a Gobo in a wedding setting. I believe that it was a successful way to bring the idea of the church by recreating the look of stain glass to an outdoor setting as well.


  1. In addition to the letters, I like how the gobo creates a cross on the ground which reflects the cross on the alter. The other pattern on the ground created by gobos creates an artistic and pleasant feel to the scene that helps to preserve the delicacy and elegance of marriage.

  2. This is nice as it shows gobos and lighting techniques used in non-theatrical setting. The lettering is the centerpiece but the oblong shapes in the background are reminiscent of the stain glass windows in a church.
