Thursday, January 30, 2020

Ashlynd - Q2M1


  1. I really liked how the lighting mirrored the emotions of the song. During slow and reflective parts of the music, the low intensity lights generated minimum visibility, creating a contemplative and poignant mood. The selective low lighting also suggested there was an air of confusion or regret in the mood, which parallels the lyrics. I liked that when the song became faster and more powerful, the lighting did the same through its intensity. I liked how the cues during these parts were timed so well to fit the rhythm of the song that it created an illusion of movement.

  2. To begin, you chose a very beautiful piece to light. Your changes between lights really fit the beat where one light fades away, another picks up right as I think it'll be dark. I think you used the changing intensities of your lights very well to convey feeling in addition to color. You also did a great job at highlighting each important segment within the part that is the most fast paced and intense. There is a lot there but you are able to differentiate the layers of sound and express that through various lights.

  3. The light intensities and soft, more red/pink/yellow color palette you selected for the lights here matched very well with the wavering emotions in the song. The soft opening fade really set the intimate and emotional tone for the rest of the song. I thought the moments when you bumped the lights required a suitable intensity in coordination with the music, too.

  4. I like how your cues effortlessly fade into one another. It makes the project look very slick and clean. I also like the use of flashing lights, it really fits the tempo of the song. The use of the bright white lights are very impactful and match the intensity of the song. The cues seamlessly match the lyrics of the song. Good job!

  5. What stuck out to me the most was how well-executed your fades were—the color and timing choices were great, and so was their smoothness. Your build-up into brighter and more dynamic lighting as the song builds up was excellent, and as a smaller note, I love the lights following the top melody riff!

  6. The fades were so sophisticated for just using a light board, I could really tell it was thought out and the color pallet was very pretty with this song
