Thursday, January 23, 2020

Window Sunlight

I took this picture of the sunlight streaming from my window a few years ago. I really like how the light is warm and how it only barely illuminates the room, rather than flooding the room with light. I also like the shadows on the blinds.


  1. I love how minimal the light is in this picture. The lighting isn't overly powerful but it is bright enough to show details. For example, the visible drying water droplets. The shadows and low lighting create a comforting atmosphere. It seems as though the sun is finally rising after a day of cloudy and rainy weather.

  2. The warm and soft quality of the light you describe here evokes a calming feeling. I think the light peeking through the blinds seems hopeful after a rain shower. It's relaxing to see it gently pass through the water droplets and to see the small shadows it creates on the window sill.
