Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Lighting in Nature


I really like how the cloud serves as a natural filter to change the shape of the sunlight from that produced by the typical round image of the sun. This difference caught my attention as a viewer. In addition, I like how the clouds limit the intensity of the sunlight and create some shadows creating a calm atmosphere. I love how the shallow angle of the sunlight models the coastline. I also think that the color of light in this picture and the subtle shadows on the beach are captivating and add dimensionality to the scene. 



  1. I like how the light is captured in this photo. The light from the sun reflecting off of the water make it gleam, while this same light through the clouds make them look buoyant and angelic. It shows that even though from the same light source, being reflected off of different material this light too looks different as if it was not from the same source.

  2. Beautiful soft light, I like to be able to see how the colors fade out.
