Thursday, January 30, 2020

Sofia - Q2M1


  1. I really like your use of side lights for the "danced to the night" especially combined with the shifting from no lights to a few lights that would quickly fade back to darkness. You gave the figures a sense of movement that matched the song beautifully.

  2. First off, I enjoyed the change of pace from a bunch of slow songs to a faster upbeat song. I liked how you used the darkness as a state of light. I agree with Nathan when he compliments how you were able to make it look like the figures were dancing through quick changes between side lights. I also found it interesting how you matched a repeating beat in the music in the times in between when the music would play it rather than matching the music itself. I think that this helped fill up spots that might have been static during the music with light motion instead.

  3. The first minute of the presentation was good with pairing the lyrics and lights. The colors along with the timing helped build the tension that lead to the climax of the lights on the left and right flashing. I also liked the black out before the next verse, it helped close the chorus and start the next verse off with new meaning. With the flashing too, it looks like the figures are dancing which looks great!

  4. I liked that you timed the lights perfectly with the music. The lights were fast paced to match the music, but you controlled it enough so that it didn't look chaotic. You used black outs really well and I liked that you used the blue gels to make it dark when they sang "into the night" and this was a nice contrast to the bright lights for the chorus. I agree that you did a really nice job of adding movement through the lights.

  5. The quick cues in the chorus where so impressive to watch! It was nice to see that you contrasted the quicker cues with the fade in the chorus so it was always interesting and fresh. I also really enjoyed how you used the bright colors in the verses, the colors added a really fun vibe that went well with the song.

  6. The lighting cues synced well with the music and not just the color but also the direction. I really liked the use of blackout as I feel like it helps emphasize the light more. The speed at which she switched scenes was also very good along with using the two boom lights back and forth.

  7. I loved the interesting use of direction to enhance the sophistication of the light design
