Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Calling of Saint Matthew, Carvaggio

This painting by Carvaggio uses sunlight pouring in from an open window to highlight the expressions on the faces of the people depicted. The light is pouring into an empty room, giving it a hopeful feeling. It allows you to see the sorrow and negative emotions that people are feeling, but one of them is looking up at the light with hope. The light highlights the light colors and provides a contrast that emphasizes the dark colors in shadows. This is a way to reflect the dark emotions they are feeling and the light providing a relief.



  1. I love how this painting brings in an element of conversation through the light and how it highlights each person. The sharp line of the light through the window gives the painting a clear source of light and is aesthetically pleasing.

  2. The light pouring in does give a hopeful feeling as it is coming from the right which gives a hint of progression because we read from left to right. Also the title of having "the calling" can be symbolized by the light as the light is calling from the heavens.

  3. The artist was very skillful in his use of light and shadow. I was drawn to the man sitting on the very left and how his frontside is covered in the light that is pouring in from the window, yet his backside is still darkened because it is not exposed to it. It really makes the artwork feel more realistic.
