Thursday, January 30, 2020

Quinton - Q2M1


  1. I really liked the lighting design because it created a fun mood that matched the song. I liked how all of the light cues were timed very well to change rhythmically and suddenly to mirror the lyrics, which were very quick with the beat of the song. I also liked that in the slower part of the song, the lights were less intense, creating a more contemplative and softer mood. I really liked that during times of repeating choruses, the lightening design also repeated, creating unification throughout the piece.

  2. I like how you used bright and warm colors for the upbeat parts and switched to blue and cooler colors for the slower parts. I agree with Eleanor that you picked good parts of the song to change the lights in order to mirror the lyrics and music. I think the black out at the end was well done and a good way to end the song.

  3. The colors he chose went very well with the music and if you anything about the musician his look as well. I liked the part where you set three light to go off in a row when the lyrics were "three doors down" it gave as sense of movement to go along with the lyrics.

  4. I loved how on some of the lyrics with darker connotations you chose to use darker colors and deeper reds. I also liked how when the song slowed down for a bit you transitioned to cooler colors. I think that made the atmosphere more relaxing and was a big step away from the fast pace of the rest of the song.

  5. This was a really fun show that matched the song well. The cues were very deliberately placed.
