Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Direct Sunlight

This picture is from a street in Paris. I like this photo because of how overwhelming the light is. You are almost unable to make out the other parts of the photo because they are cast in shadows. The buildings are now different than how people would see them if they were this in space in person, you can see how light has impacted shape and forced an overwhelming and uncertain feeling by creating shapes that are large and somewhat unclear.

1 comment:

  1. This photo is a great example of how light positioning can change the appearance of a scene. In the photo, the sun is cast overhead and slightly left of center. This causes there to be little to no shadow on the left building but a slight bright effect on the right building. Additionally, it changes the shadows in the picture, most notably the car and the person crossing the street. The car's shadow is straighter or even angled left, whereas the shadow for the person is facing right.
