Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Las Meninas

The main source of light for this painting comes from the sun entering the window to the right. The directionality of light allows for interesting shading in for the dresses, but more striking is the gleam it makes on their hair. The sunlight from the staircase in the back serves to further separate the subject from the other subjects by not just a matter of distance but of a different light source.


  1. I liked what you said about the light singling out the figures in this painting. I think this is especially true for the princess in the middle, who is highlighted as the main figure. I also think it's interesting to see the silhouette-like effect created for the figure in the background, and how different layers of the figures in this painting are separated and given more depth of focus by darker or brighter lighting.

  2. The way that lighting is used here is interesting. Those who are in direct sunlight are members of the court thus pulling our attention to them immediately while more minor characters like the maid are placed in the shadows, it is very representative of the societal system of the time. When looking behind the figures, the light is used to create depth and frame and other figure in the painting along with the a painting in the background to highlight the importance of that single painting.
