Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Philosopher in Meditation, Rembrandt

I like the symbolic use to light in this painting. The meditation philosopher is drenched in golden, borderline holy, light, while those above him (on the stairs, who might symbolize affluent members of society) are in darkness, and those below him/ in the foreground (bottom right, possibly symbolizing less affluent people with menial jobs) are working towards their own enlightenment, as can be seen by the man making his own light. I'm no expert in art history or analysis, but the light is used interestingly.



  1. I do think the light in this picture helps with conveying symbolism about different societal standings. It seems like the philosopher is just basking in the sunlight, thinking, while the man on the bottom gets light more from his work area than from the window.

  2. I love the soft yellow light in this painting, it has a sense of comfort associated with it, as well as being a very pensive piece of art. The philosopher here is thinking but it is not a draining task, simply one that requires all of his focus, which is seen here by the light being in a soft focus.

  3. I like that the light looks like it's really coming from a window, warm and inviting.
