Thursday, January 30, 2020

Eleanor - Q2M1


  1. The light in this presentation works very well with the music. The way the light faded in and out with the crescendos makes it a really moving display. Also, the overhead light, the song, and the figures look amazing when used, putting an emphasis on lyrics coming from one of the figures. The darker colors being shown with the song’s few lowkey moments look good too, as well as the brighter colors shining during the crescendos. Overall great presentation!

  2. This piece was beautiful to watch. I loved that the light cues appeared to change with the music rather than the lyrics. The overhead lights created a more intimate feeling to match the song, and I liked that you used a lower intensity with the lights. I think the gels you picked were beautiful when paired with the music, and the softer colors were really able to stand out.

  3. You made the whole song feel so personal and the colors really made it seem as if the stationary figures were in a relationship. The colors from behind them portraying their shadows together added to that, and i think your color choices perfectly highlighted the "romantic atmosphere" that the song created.

  4. For the most part, this is such a calming, instrumentally minimalist song, and your gel choices and cue timing do a great job of emphasizing each of those traits respectively. I also especially enjoyed the explosion of light into the major instrumental section as a point of contrast.
