Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sunlight Through Clouds

I like this picture of sunlight because it shows how the lights breaks up the clouds and shines through, but also gives them shape, definition, and dimension. The sunlight also gives the gray-ish blue clouds an orange or yellow change in color and I think it's interesting to look at.


  1. I like how light is depicted in this photograph. It is as if the clouds are parting for the heavens as the golden light is breaking through a barren and grey setting. I also like the contrast of the colors as they are complementary.

  2. I like how light in this photo emphasizes the differences in colors. You can see the colors changing depending on where the light hits the clouds so it makes the photo more visually appealing. It is similar to the familiar image of the light from Heaven parting the clouds. I agree that the light provides shape and definition for the clouds. The light is downcast, creating movement that draws your eye downwards to see the whole image.
