Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Soft sunset

In this photo, I think it’s interesting that the sunlight has a different quality in different areas of the sky, appearing as a softer yellow light in some areas. The eye is drawn to the overwhelming, warm orange appearance of the cloud, but the image becomes softer and calmer as you look into the blue and yellow parts of the sky. The soft and warm qualities of the colors and textures here have a comforting effect.


  1. This picture reminds me of a backdrop for a park scene. It is as you noted very calming but it is also interesting in the shift between the colors that you can detect in the sky

  2. I completely agree with your analysis of this image--overall, it has a very calming and comforting effect. The cloud and the bottom of the photo seem to mirror each other, as the cloud's gradient goes top to bottom, dark to light, while the dark horizon at the bottom of the photo shifts upward to the brightest part of the sky. I think this framing is a factor in the image's coziness, alongside the colors and soft gradients that you noted.
