Friday, April 10, 2020

Moody lighting

This image is from Blade Runner 2049, which shows the protagonist walking into a vast nothing of orange. The shot is intended to make the audience feel like Ryan Gosling is walking into the unknown, completely unsure of whats to happen. The orange leads me to imagine that wherever he is going might not be suitable for his survival, as literally everything is orange and suggests radiation or chemicals in the air. Also with the context of the story, whats at stake for him sets up the mood of the shot.


  1. The orange looks very unnatural and overwhelming, which seems to highlight the danger. And the silhouette it gives him emphasizes that he is alone in this shot, too.

  2. The image really conveys a level of uncertainty and potential danger. The oranges and reds used help enforce an intense situation, and with no clear light, all that is left is the silhouette of the man, which adds mystery into the scene as well.
