Thursday, April 2, 2020

Happy Lighting

This piece uses multiple warm colors to evoke the sunset (Or ...
This photo is a really interesting example of how color can impact mood. By using pinks, oranges and softer tones to display a sunset the lighting here is communicating to the audience a general joyful and happy tone. The various colors and layers to the lighting make sure that there is not one feeling commanding the stage and the audience is able to view a variety of colors, and feelings. Overall this lighting design helps the audience to feel a sense of joy that is neither overwhelming or draws away from the focus of the show.


  1. I think that this lighting is very successful at capturing a mood of peace. By recreating a sunset in the hills, it is often an image that one would find as a sight of peace. Along with the set being such a pitch dark black, it is as if you are being invited into a very sacred place to the individual in the show.

  2. This is a beautiful photo! I love the circular gradient radiating outwards from the pink lighting on the mountain, it does a great job of creating a sense of joyful peace.
