Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Moody Lighting

I also used another scene from the Joker to depict a new mood that the lighting designers created in the film. The use of green, which we have come to know is not a fond color to use when lighting the main character, shows the toxicity that is happening within the main character. It projects a mood uneasiness and frankly barmy mood as well. I also think that the use of having the small amount of warm lighting of orange in the background being swallowed by the vibrant green also shows the mood of madness creeping in. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your analysis of how the color green effects the mood of the scene. Another reason that it creates a sense of unease is because of how the color green is related to sickness and diseases. Especially in today's current times, sickness has created a great amount of unease and fear.
