Friday, April 17, 2020

Dance Row

I really liked this photo of these dancers because of the positioning of the light. The combination of the light coming from the side and the position that all of the dancers are in, it shields the front of their body from exposure, and sort of creates a half-light, half-dark scene. I think the different colors of light also helps create new skin tones for the dancers to possibly try to add to their appearance.


  1. It's quite interesting how how they gave each dancer their only little section of light to stand in. It makes each dancer separate and unique form the previous one but the same colors are eventually repeated so I wonder if those dancers perform the same routine.

  2. I really like the lighting design here, the individual boxes and colors of lights draw your eye upstage and allow each performer to stand out. At the same time, they all look good together. The color creates interesting skin tones for the dancers, and they did a good job of ensuring the colors did not create unflattering skin tones. I like that the rest of the stage is in darkness, creating a total focus on the dancers.
