Friday, April 17, 2020

Chad Q2M3


  1. I like how you changed the 917 effect to use a cool color palette in your cyc lights as it provides a different look than what we are use to seeing in class. Your use of the group seven lights I also found to be very effect as the movements that you chose to have them make reflected the movement of the song while also giving the main figure of the piece a certain power as they were being almost pushed away by the figure thus creating an interesting movement. Your color play was also very effective as at one point as you utilized complimentary colors when lighting the main figure and the cyc lights thus making the attention.

  2. I really enjoyed your cyc, the purple and red nicely combine into a beautiful background. The song and the lighting choices were well matched and complemented each other nicely.

  3. I loved that you changed the cyc light colors between verses, it felt like it matched the pace of the song. I think you did a really good job of choosing colors to reflect the emotion of the song, and it felt like these were lights I would expect to see during a live performance of the song. You highlighted the center figure really well and created focus both with movement and color. This was really well done and fun to watch!
