Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Moody Lighting

I really like this lighting in this scene from Aladdin because it conveys a romantic mood. I think that the low-intensity light that makes the couple visible helps them stand out from the background. I think that the background of the city with the lights in each window help to create the mood and establish the setting. I really like the house lights because it shows that the couple is out together at night. I think that the hue or color of the sky also shows the couple together as the sun is setting, as the light is dim and creates a purple color that drapes the surrounding city. Overall, the lighting in this scene creates a peaceful and romantic mood. 



  1. The light really does help set the mood in the scene. The warm light that the two characters are in serve to juxtapose the colder light around them. The light also shows how the world is not kind to them.

  2. The focused light on the faces of the two actors creates a sense of togetherness. The warm light inside the windows is boxed in, separated from them and creating division. The dark blues and purples contrast well with the yellows and oranges in the lights. Color was well planned in this lighting design. Dark shadows in every corner create suspense, but they cannot reach the two in the center, reflecting a strength in their bond.
