Monday, April 6, 2020

Dance Lighting

The lighting in this dance is very powerful. The light is not overbearing and simply just highlighting the dancers and their art. It also helps define the movements of the dancers by adding more dramatic shadows to their bodies causing for more notice of their art. I also think that is very elegantly lighting the costumes by staying in a very similar color palette and not straying far away from the idea of the piece. I also like how the top cyc-lights are black, forcing the attention of the eye to the dancers even more. 


  1. It would appear from this snapshot that the dancers are performing a contemporary style piece. This kind of lighting is very popular for the style of dance that they appear to be performing. A light blue color which creates a serene atmosphere for the dancers as they perform delicate movements to a beautiful ballad.

  2. I agree with Ash I think this lighting in incredibly well done. Dancing lighting can be tricky because if you have too much light or shadow it can take away from the dancers and the incredible art and shapes they are creating. This lighting does just enough to enhance the shapes they have created and highlight their bodies and their art.
