Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Moody Lighting

I think that the lighting is interesting in this scene from a production of Macbeth because it uses light and shadow in a very unique way to create a scary and intense mood. I think it is interesting that most of the light sources in this scene are non-standard fixtures, including lanterns and fixtures that mimic candles. I like this choice because it dates the scene back in history, making it more real to the period of the play. In this way, the lighting fixtures create part of the physical environment, contributing to the establishment of the setting. By revealing a hidden struggle and a seemingly hopeless reaction to that struggle, the mood created by the lighting seems very scary and ominous, as concealed struggles are happening and cannot be prevented. 


1 comment:

  1. The lighting in this image is intense, with the shadows on the wall being intimidating and creating suspense. The yellow lighting of the lanterns is small and dim, just enough light to light up the stage but not enough to overpower the darkness. It gives the sense that the actor on stage is losing, and the shadows appear to be attacking him.
