Thursday, April 2, 2020

Moody Streetlight

I chose this photo because it presents a very unsettling mood for the onlooker. To me, it gives off a serious "murderer in the dark at midnight" kind of vibes. The way the light is angles gives the figure below it no face, no features, and only a shadow, making the setting as a whole very sketchy.


  1. I think this photo is interesting because it has a distinct lack of color, and full on light. These are two things that would usually indicate a lack of emotion or being devoid of message, however this image conveys an interesting tone. By having a figure that is facing the viewer, cast entirely in shadow it gives an unsettling and nervous fear. Only having one light and no color gives the viewer no information, and in turn makes them both curious and nervous.

  2. In addition to creating a mood of unease and fear, I think the it also creates an atmosphere of anticipation and exhilaration. The mysterious persona is enhanced from the oddly shaped shadows on the ground that we don't know what they are the shadows of.

  3. I definitely agree with your description of this photo as unsettling—the shadow is also an interesting point of focus. It seems more visible than the figure itself.
