Thursday, April 30, 2020

Moody Lighting - Sweeney Todd

This photo is from a production of Sweeney Todd. Red is an intense color used to light the stage in this scene, only accompanied by dark shadows and minimal white lights. Bold and intense colors create tension on stage and the dark red light on the ensemble moves the front two actors to the center of the audience's attention. The lighting creates an eerie and sinister mood. The intense colors combined with sharp angles of shadows and lighting creates drama, suspense and tension on stage.



  1. It seems that light focused at an upward angle onto a figure is a great way to create a sinister feeling. Perhaps this is because it is surprising to see the face lit from underneath. It reminds me of someone shining a flashlight below their face to tell a ghost story (hopefully this memory resonates with someone). It creates stark shadows as you mentions, and distorts the face in a disturbing way.

  2. It seems that light focused at an upward angle onto a figure is a great way to create a sinister feeling. Perhaps this is because it is surprising to see the face lit from underneath. It reminds me of someone shining a flashlight below their face to tell a ghost story (hopefully this memory resonates with someone). It creates stark shadows as you mentions, and distorts the face in a disturbing way. (the first comment was also me)
