Monday, April 6, 2020

Dance 2

     I chose this this image because I thought that it warranted merit how in dance, light often comes from bellow the performers. This example of light up floor tiles is just one instance of interesting lighting from below dancers. Often these kinds of lights are electronically controlled and can be programmed to change colors to the beat of the song.



  1. You have an interesting point about the prevalence of floor lighting! While looking for material for my own posts, I also noticed how common low side and otherwise lower lights are for lighting dancers.

  2. This is a lighting example of dance that I did not even think about! I think this is an interesting lighting point of view as it is lighting the dancers from below rather than the typical above lighting we are use to in a theater. There is also an addition of an overhead lighting which is green, but is creates a duo light look on the dancers that is very unique!

  3. I really like this picture because I also did not consider light fixtures that are a part of the floor. I think this is a really interesting form of dance lighting because it highlights the feet, but leaves the rest of the dancer dimly lit. I think this image shows how the lighting strategy may be dependent on the type of dance and what aspects of the dancers should be made visible.
