Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dance Lighting - Florence + the Machine "Big God"

This still, from Florence + the Machine's music video for Big God, is set in a pool of shallow water. The lighting itself is rather subtle, but the flooring gives it an extra dimension in the vivid reflections that appear. Additionally, the reflections have the unique property of splashing and rippling with the dancer's movement.



  1. I like the lighting used in this dance as it is soft and subtle. It is not invasive to the piece allowing the colors of the clothing surrounding her to be showcased, while still allowing enough light to enter the piece so that she is beautifully lighted. I also believe that the lighting had to be this soft in order to capture the mirror effect so that the reflection did not have a shining orb from a more power light.

  2. This photo is very well done, lighting that is subtle is often overlooked but this is a perfect example of lighting that is just present enough to show the shape and color of the people onstage. The reflection also adds to this and offers the viewers some interesting symmetry the enhance the shapes the dancers have created.
