Saturday, February 29, 2020

Eleanor Q2M2


  1. At first I was a bit los as to how the lighting cues matched the musics tempo and message, but later on it seemed to fit better. I liked how there were so many drastic changes in lighting interspersed with more subtle ones. It appeared to me like most scenes were a mix of two colors which was fun to watch. I liked how you used lights that lit the figures from above through pretty much the entire piece, this fit the lyrics about the stars, planets and the sun.

  2. I really enjoyed the different amount of colors in this show! The digital lights looked great when mixed, which I felt helped when the singer was describing different things in space. I also think the fades looked smooth too. I was impressed since it was all synced up and you didn't hit the space bar! This was noticeable in the end, when the lights matched with the singers voice, and I didn't hear a spacebar every second.

  3. I like the play of the cold and warm tones as it was such a drastic change between cues that it left the watcher on their heels. I also found that the smooth transitions between cues worked very well for the song and provide fluidity to the piece. I also like the use of the back lights as with the use of the shadows created by the figured is a beautiful form to be projected created by the using the correct direction of using the back lights and positioning. I also think that the bouncing of the lights towards the end of the piece created a new visual to the piece because it contrasted the usual fluid flow of the cues we were use to seeing.
