Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Interesting Lighting: Spring Awakening

This photo is from a Broadway production of "Spring Awakening". I think the lighting is really interesting because the lights are focused on the actors and their bodies. The lights cast down on the actors are striking, but soft enough that it isn't overwhelming to look at. The blue overtone gives it a mysterious and mystical feeling, and the lights against the dark background give the appearance of a night sky. I thought it was interesting that some of the actors are lit brightly enough for the audience to see their faces while others are hidden in shadows. I think that overall this is visually appealing and the colors were well done.



  1. I really enjoy the lighting in this picture as well. The blue tones are deep enough to convey a certain mood, but light enough as to not make all the people blend in with a background.The additional white/light blue lights complement the scene really well because they are what create the illumination on the stage and brings out any detail on the characters and setting that might not be noticed with just a flat, single color light across the stage.

  2. I really like the lighting in this scene because the pattern on the back wall really looks like stars in the night sky. I like the use of the deep blue color, and I think it creates an atmosphere that is almost unworldly. I agree that the blue color makes the scene perplexing and mysterious. I think this scene shows a great use of color.
