Saturday, February 29, 2020

Sofia Q2M2


  1. I really liked how you never really had the same cue up for long and that the colors were constantly changing along with the song and the different tempos. I felt that it really created a more active atmosphere around the figures and truly made it feel like a performance. The rainbow effects on the LED lights were amazing and fit the song perfectly as well.

  2. I loved the lighting you designed for this song! I really liked how the lights were timed to the music and lyrics. I thought that the use of color was perfect for this song, as the different colors created an exciting and fun atmosphere. I loved the variety of colors, and I really liked how the rainbow colors from the LEDs made the light look like it was moving. This added animation to the performance and mirrored the zeal of the song.

  3. I really like the first couple cues how they quickly went darker and darker until complete darkness just to come back with the bright, flashy lights. The rainbow effect altering effect you got from the LED was also very visually appealing. The way the lights switched around and the colors used made it seem like a performance or it was at a club which would fit with the song.

  4. This was the most ambitious choice I have ever seen. I really like how you would have one color in low lighting and how the color would saturate the whole figure. The rainbow effect was incredible, especially during the shhh noises, it felt like a great time for a smooth transition like that effect. I also like how different parts of the song had different color palettes. Great job!

  5. I loved the way color reflected the tone of the song and how each cue was so deliberately made and changed often. The rainbow effects were so energetic.
