Monday, February 17, 2020

Interesting Light in Jersey Boys

This image is from a scene in the play "Jersey Boys". I saw this play on Broadway years ago, as well as on Netflix because they made it into a movie. The movie showed this particular scene as the band facing outwards into the audience, with the lights from the house shining down on them as they sang out to the massive audience. On Broadway, it looked more like this, positioning the actual audience from the back of the stage. This particular scene stood out to me, as we basically saw from the band's perspective how many people showed up to see them in a massive theater.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the lightening in this scene. I think that the yellow color of the light is an interesting choice. I feel like this warm color helps highlight the performers without being too distracting. I think that the yellow also creates an environment showing their shining success. It really makes me feel the enthusiasm that goes with the scene.
