Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Interesting Lighting: Heathers

This photo is from a performance of "Heathers". I like that the characters are well-lit and clearly able to be seen, and that the light shining on them is similar to the colors they are wearing. It makes the characters stand out more, as they are being lit directly from above with colors that they are wearing. However, I think this is a weird choice because it feels very distracting to me. I think it does reflect the chaos and absurdity of the show, but I wish it had been done in a way that was less distracting. I would hesitate to call it bad lighting even though I don't love it, because I think the colors are visually striking and reflect the mood of the musical.



  1. I think this photo is very interesting because the color palette matches the chaos of the show. We have talked about how lighting can be tricky in relation to the clothing and I think this is an interesting example of this. The lights are able to highlight and amplify the costumes to allow the characters to be very dramatically contrasted. I agree with Emily that I am not sure I would call this bad lighting because it definitely accomplishes what it has set out to do, however it is not great because of how distracting it is.

  2. I think the confusion of this lighting fits alongside the surreal moment taking place in the show. It's definitely more distracting than helpful to an understanding of what is happening, just because of the intensity of the light and colors. Still, it works for the purpose of highlighting each of the characters alongside their costumes and heightening the drama in the scene in a very strange way.

  3. The colors and lights and confusing and detracts from focusing on the characters themselves
