Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Rain and Shine

I took this picture this past summer during a football practice. These clouds were moving super fast towards us and it started pouring after we got out. I thought it looked cool because the sky to the right was clear and sunny with no indication that it was gonna rain. However, you can see that from the left side the clouds had blocked out the sun and began to rain. The middle area reminded me of god rays in the shape of rain, which divided the dark unknown from the lighter, unaware side.

1 comment:

  1. I like how the light is seeping through the murkiness of the clouds. The light also makes the clouds appear to have a mauve pinkish/grey rather than simply just grey. Another aspect that I like about this photo is that there is a difference between artificial blue light coming from the lamp post and the natural light of the sun. It is a nice juxtaposition.
