Saturday, February 29, 2020

Emily P Q2M2


  1. You're use of side lights to emphasize the crashing beat of i think a drum, is quite strong. The general red/purple color scheme you used does well to make it seem like they're are out on a dance floor spewing out their emotions. At the time 2:18 I really like the mix of purple and blue you use. This song is a very dramatic song and a roller coaster of emotions. I think your choice to abruptly cut the lights works well with your piece.

  2. The red front lighting is beautiful, it has this way of keeping everything dark except the figures, which are super saturated. Having super saturated gels for every light except the side lighting was clever too, it made the sudden white side lighting even more dramatic. Bringing up every light at the chorus also had this huge shocking effect. Great job!

  3. I really liked the effect you had on the LED lights as well as the colors that the figures were constantly highlighted in. It gave a sense of power to them, and I think this fit along with the song's tempo and lyrics as well. The use of the side lights to make the figures more shadowy from those angles was also really interesting to see.
