Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Movement in Lighting - Green Light

I chose the video for "Green Light" by Lorde because most of the video relies on fast-changing lighting. There are some scenes where she is in a nightclub and there are different colors of lights flashing around her. The backlighting puts her in shadows and between each flash you can see her shadow moving. As she moves throughout different scenes in the video, different colors of lights are flashing on her. In several scenes, she dances around and moves through bright white lights and shadows, highlighting her movements. In one scene, the green light shines down on water, and you can see the green light reflected on her face moving as the water moves. Color is used in contrast with darkness and it is particularly effective in this example for highlighting movement.


  1. This is a very interesting video to show multiple kinds of lighting effects, including moving light. The red light on her as she dances, which illuminates her entirely in the same color, is also a very strong stationary image in contrast to the city lights which move and change. The city lights, too, are interesting to watch the movement of, especially in the shots where she is singing out of the car window.

  2. I really like the lighting decisions in this video. I think the strobing effect enhances her movement as well as the overall mood of a party scene. I also love the scene of her dancing on top of the car. The bold red color on her perfectly contrasts the dark background of the sky and car, which definitely makes her movements stand out.
