Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Movement in Light

I like the way that movement is shown in this lighting piece as it looks as though the lines are climbing up building to eventually burst and become a spherical piece. Also using stark bright lights on all the boxes different surfaces created a pulse effect. Later on, the boxes transform into a city with lights still moving at fast paces and it looks as though cars are moving through the boxes. I believe this video captures many different ways that light can be used to produce movement in a static set piece. 


  1. I like that the light in this video functions in many different ways to produce different effects. I think the beginning was interesting because it shows how light can highlight shapes and create shadows very vividly. The pulse effect was very interesting to watch. This was a perfect example of how movement can be created through lighting.

  2. First of all wow. I really enjoyed how the lights interacted with the boxes both 3-dimensionally, accentuating the depth of the objects (0:10-0:37), and two-dimensionally, as if all the boxes together were one flat surface (0:39-0:49).
