Thursday, February 20, 2020

Too Many Useless Lights

This lighting is bad because it doesn't add anything to the appearance of the stage or any story. The light is unproductive and chaotic. There are so many places highlighted that it overwhelms the viewer. Just looking at this picture makes me crazy.


  1. This photo reminds me of a magician's show I saw in New York, when a truly fantastic trick was about to be pulled off the lights would flare up and make it almost impossible to see what was really going on. The black and white nature of the photo does not help the viability of this picture.

  2. There are so many overlapping lights of the same color that they are essentially useless. I also agree that the amount of lights and their angles create a chaotic scene, and for something that seems to be a stage performance such as a concert, that is not the best choice because then the focus is lost.

  3. There is just way too much going on here and it's distracting and overwhelming
