Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Bad Color

I really don't like the lighting in this image. I feel like there's a lot going on in this scene, and there isn't enough light for the audience to see it. I might understand if this was on purpose for some reason, but I personally think it looks bad. The few lights from above seem rather insignificant, as it seems like they're lighting a small part of a prop and creating a haze.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the lights focus on the actions of the characters rather than the characters themselves. That is why I believe that the lighting is so unsettling in this photo. Because you do not know the characters in the photo, but it appears as if they are doing something sinister, so naturally, you would want to see the characters committing the crime. By eerie colors of the lights only focusing on objects then people, it makes the lighting seem almost off placement as well.
