Monday, February 10, 2020

Local Band Concert

This is a picture of a friend from high school was the lead guitar in a band (The Milk Theory, they're on Spotify), and I took this photo when he was singing a sad, slow tempo song, hence the moody blue lighting. The color of the light is especially important to this picture because the blue conveys this sadness, even edginess, to the performance so that anyone looking at this photo could more than likely figure out that he is singing a sad song.


  1. I definitely see and agree with your point about the lighting matching the mood of the song. I also like how the bright blue light blends with the dimmer, less direct light on the other side of his face, it subtly adds another layer of emotion.

  2. I like the play of warmth and cold in the lighting choices for this song. I also like the way that the two colors melt together to form this blueish purple. I also like how the highlights and shadows in this photo are not white but rather another tone of blue or pink
