Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Personal Photo 2

I took this picture of the silhouette of my brother several Christmases ago. Though little detail can be made out, the obscurity appealed to me. It is somewhat foreboding, ironically, considering the festive decorations on the colonial-style house that can be seen through the car window. The bright light disappears right behind the edge of my brother's silhouetted face, creating even more drama (it reminds me of an eclipsed, cold sun). The raindrops on the window disperse this white light, and look vaguely as if stars were superimposed over the backdrop of the house. The light shining onto the headrest behind my brother is a nice touch (though I'm unsure I can articulate why, perhaps it just adds more definition to the internal space of the car).

1 comment:

  1. The lack of lighting in the picture creates a sense of mystery, where we have to try and picture the man just from his outline. The barest hint of bright light in the background makes the darkness in the foreground seem even darker then they should be.
