Thursday, February 27, 2020

Movement in Lighting - Wicked

I chose this clip from a Tony performance of "Defying Gravity" because it is a good example of lights being used during a live performance to create and enhance movement. The actors are under direct lighting for the majority of the performance, which results in their movements creating sharp shadows that emphasize their movements. At the end of the performance, when Elphaba is up in the air flying, the lights help create the illusion of her flying. There is a spotlight focused on Elphaba to make her stand out from the stage which is hidden in shadows. Color, particularly dark blue, is used in contrast with darkness and this is effective in creating movement, especially when creating the illusion of flying. As she is rising in the air, the lights rise with her to reflect her movement.


  1. I enjoy the song, and now looking at the lighting work for it I find myself agreeing, the light really re-enforces the overall theme of the song and the story.

  2. The lighting really helps achieve a heightened flying effect for the climax of the song. I think the abrupt change from the more direct lighting to the colors and moving light effects really helps you follow along with the change in the story. Also, the color scheme and fog effects add make you think you're seeing her amidst a night sky. Very cool!

  3. It's so cool how the effects were enhancing both the song and the dance/flying
