Thursday, February 13, 2020

Vibrant Sky at Dusk

I really love how in this picture, the trees are so devoid of light that they just look like shadows in the sky. I found the colors of this sunset/post-sunset to be quite fascinating as well, with the cooler colors of purple and magenta, with still a bright white light in the corner to signal where the sun was setting.


  1. The silhouette made is super interesting usually you see a silhouette like that when its just like the bright sun behind it, but the silhouette being made and accompanied by the unique sunset color makes a great photo.

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  3. This photo is made interesting because the main light source is in a bottom corner, which is an unusual spot. However, it works as it creates a white light in direct contrast to the black silhouettes of the trees. I really like the purple colors in the sky, which are different from a traditional sunset and make the photo more thought-provoking, rather than just evoking the typical somber and peaceful mood that a sunset typically brings.
