Saturday, February 29, 2020

Rafaela Q2M2


  1. You made excellent use of the lack of light at the beginning, if an observer blinks at the right time it almost like the marionets had moved. Following that the light colors blended for me and gave a bit of substance to the song.

  2. The first burst of light was so in sync and powerful! The mixture of slow transitions and quick bursts of color kept the verses super interesting. Also, the transitions between the reds and greens were super cool because they're opposites on the color wheel. Great job!

  3. You did a good job of not just syncing the light to the beat of the song but also the lyrics of the song. The song allows you to have both slow and fast fades and you did a good job of integrating both.

  4. I like how you use minimal light in most of your cues. Coupled with the blackout effect, it creates the illusion that the figures are moving. I also like that you are able to match the lyrics to your cues. Also, the repetition of “feeling” at the end matched the flashing, short cues. Very clever!

  5. I like the effect that you were able to create with the lights at around the one minute and fifty second mark of the piece. By having the lights change in a certain direction and order it looks as though the light is circling around them and they are almost moving. Along with this I liked how you embraced the use of the black out in the piece as the colors of the lights used appeared to be more vibrant. I also like the purple and green tones used through out the piece as it captures an almost horror appearance. I think that without the lighting, that the horror aspect of the song would go unnoticed.
