Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Interesting Color

Image result for interesting color in theatre

This scene is supposed to depict a sunset, but I feel that the choice and intensity of the red used is too much. The overwhelming quality of the red brings to mind a wildfire more than a peaceful sunset. If there were other colors thrown like purple it would give it a more sunset feel than one of a fire.


  1. I agree, the orange/red is overly strong in this photo. Perhaps if there were darker colors it would give off a good sunset feeling. I also think light colored clouds would help in distinguishing the mood.

  2. I think that possibly the main factor spoiling the sunset effect is the bright prink light on the mountains and field. If this looked were intended to look realistic, these should appear as if they are in the distance; coloring them bright pink visually brings them forward in space. Also, the mysterious white light shining from behind what looks to be shrubs behind the actor resembles a fire (and I'm not sure this was the desired effect).
