Thursday, February 20, 2020

Lots of Blues

I don't exactly know if this lighting is necessarily bad, but it is definitely interesting. I felt that with the harsh blue light from all directions, it does give off a more somber mood and create a potentially emotional atmosphere. However, there is almost TOO much blue light and no front lighting or spotlight to focus on the actors on stage, as they end up blending in with the rest of the scene due to the monochrome color scheme present to the audience

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the overwhelming blue does not allow for the actors to stand out. I like that it is dark enough for the glow in the dark elements to stand out, but overall I think it would have been better for at least the actors to be under a spotlight so that they could stand out. I think monochrome lighting can be effective in some cases, but I feel that this production could have benefited from a different color scheme that allowed for more variety in color choice. The lighting is too overpowering for any other elements of the production to stand out.
