Thursday, February 6, 2020

Back Lighting Through a Tree

I took this picture back when I lived in California and there was a bad wildfire nearby, causing the sky and sunset to be a very deep orange color. The photo was taken from a nearby tree I had climbed and The light source is the sun which, in this case, is facing towards me. I found this photo interesting because it makes the appearance of the leaves and branches all essentially completely dark, as there is no light that is hitting them since the light source is completely opposite from them. The backlighting really highlights the shapes of the objects of which it is outlining, which I really liked.

1 comment:

  1. The lighting in this photo is very new and interesting and causes you to look at the trees in a different way. Because of the lack of color, the tree itself is just a shape, it has so color or texture making it almost look like a shadow itself. This is so cool because it gives the viewer the chance to fill in what they believe it could look like.
