Thursday, February 6, 2020

Woman with Side Lighting


This photo stood out to me because of the pure contrast between the model's light side and her dark side. The light source is obviously coming from our left, and it seems to be pretty intense as to turn parts of her face and hair almost white. This effect also means that on her other side, her arm and hair are distinctively darker than normal. You can even see shadows formed in her shirt from how it is flowing, some areas are light, which conversely makes areas on the other side of it (not hit by the light) dark.

1 comment:

  1. This photo looks like it has a washed out filter over it, which really emphasizes how washed out the left side of the image is due to the directed light. There is very little distinguishing of features as a result of the intense white light coming from the left; this forces the viewer to really take a closer look and take in the details of the photo, like the arch of her eyebrow and the folds of her shirt.
