Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ballet Lighting

I love how the side lighting elongates her limbs and defines her muscles. This lighting is very flattering and distinguishes her from the dark background well.


  1. This photograph is gorgeous because it really shows the strength and effort it takes to be a ballerina. The dramatic lighting stops the movement in its tracks and makes a beautiful shot.

  2. I agree that this photo is quite beautiful, but I think part of the reason is because her face is hidden. How one's face looks is one of the first measures used as a standard for beauty, and the fact tat we can't see her face clearly allows us to appreciate the beauty of her figure. I am also kind of confused as to how she is being lit, because the bottom of her foot is not in the pool of light. It maybe be some weird effect but that does intrigue me.

  3. I see your point about how the lighting highlights her amidst the dark background. I think the fact that the light comes from the side also makes the lines here interesting and very horizontal. You can see the length of her legs and arms very well.
